We Just Got the 3 Same Signals as in 2001 and 2007 | Inevitable SP500 Earnings Contraction is Coming - YouTube

 submit   US Stock Market Outlook

Predicted by Game of Trades on Feb 06 '23. Last edited Feb 19 '23

Prediction   #sp500 #indicator #recession #sellpressure #servicepmi #yieldcurve  

Trifecta of 3 signals from 3 indicators are telling us US Economy will enter #recession soon Predicted By Game of Trades.

  • #indicator 1: 150 day moving average of #SP500 #SellPressure. Quantitative analysis: last 20 years, this indicator went to 0.5+ a few times, during bull market, these events signaled market bottoms, during 2008 bear market, this event was followed by more selling. So interpretation of this signal from this indicator depends on macro-economics environment.
  • #YieldCurve is inverted
  • #ServicePMI is contracting (reading below 50), this signal has a 100% hit rate predicting US recession in last 20 years.

The only question now is how long will the current window of opportunity for bull run of #SP500 and US stocks last? The answer to that question hinges on whether US economy recession will start in later half of 2023.


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