Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater just predicted another 20% to 25% drop for the markets |
submit US Stock Market Outlook
Predicted by Ray Dalio, Greg Jensen on Aug 28 '22. Last edited Nov 30 '22 |
Prediction #stagflation #sp500
pc[[“[O]ver the long run the Fed will most likely chart a middle course that will take the form of #stagflation.” ]ce #checkafter2years Predicted By Ray Dalio, founder at Bridgewater Associates.
pc[And earlier this week, Bridgewater’s co-chief investment officer Greg Jensen told Bloomberg that the Fed’s hawkish stance still hasn’t been fully priced in. “In aggregate, let's say asset markets (#SP500) decline at something like 20% to 25%,” he predicts.]ce #checkbyYE2022 Predicted By Greg Jensen, co-chief investment officer at Bridgewater Associates.
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