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Predicted by Barry Bannister on Aug 04 '22. Last edited Nov 30 '22

Prediction   #目标价位 #标普500 #股票风险溢价 #10年期通胀保值国债 #10yeartips  

pc[预计 #标普500 年终 #目标价位 能达到4400,比他之前的预测提高了200点。预期“周期成长”类股会引领这轮上涨行情。]ce Stifel chief equity strategist Barry Bannister has lifted his target for the S&P 500 index by 200 points to 4,400 for the second half of 2022, expecting “cyclical growth” stocks to lead the way higher in a “relief rally.”

“We continue to prefer cyclical growth,” Bannister said in a note dated Aug. 4, pointing to the software, media, tech hardware, retail and semiconductor industries. “The five cyclical growth industry groups we see rallying are dominated by large technology-related stocks.”

Bannister raised his price target for the U.S. stock-market benchmark as bets on 36-month Fed funds futures appear to have peaked and the “equity risk premium” for the S&P 500 now indicates 4,400 as a mid-point price target, according to the note.

“Fed futures are tapped out,” he wrote.

The Federal Reserve has been aggressively hiking its benchmark interest rate in an effort to tame the highest inflation in decades. Investors have been trying to assess whether inflation, and in turn, Fed hawkishness have peaked.

checkbyye2022 Predicted By Barry Bannister, Stifel chief equity strategist.

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