Jefferies:判断新一轮股市大幅抛售的指标 |
submit US Stock Market Outlook
Predicted by David Zervos on Aug 01 '22. Last edited Nov 30 '22 |
Prediction #转向 #通胀预期 #美联储 #货币政策
pc[展望未来,投资者可能需要看到 #通胀预期 发生重大转变,或劳动力市场和基础经济实力严重恶化,才能引发新一轮股市大幅抛售。 正因为如此,对于 #美联储 和股市来说,five-year break-even rate将是“确认 #转向 的关键指标”。]ce Looking ahead, investors likely would need to see a substantial shift in inflation expectations, or serious deterioration in the strength of the labor market and underlying economy, to spark another round of sharp selling in stocks, the Jefferies team wrote.
Because of this, the five-year break-even rate will be “the key metric to watch to confirm the pivot” for both the Fed, and for stocks, Zervos said. #checkafter3months Predicted By David Zervos, chief market strategist at Jefferies.
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