亿万富翁 Ray Dalio 正在做空这 10 只欧洲股票 |
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Predicted by Ray Dalio on Jun 30 '22. Last edited Dec 23 '22 |
Prediction #stoxx50 #siegy #sny #欧洲股票 #tte #bayry #sap
pc[据彭博社报道,亿万富翁 Ray Dalio 的 Bridgewater Associates 做空欧洲股票,押注 105 亿美元做空 #欧洲股票。 世界上最大的对冲基金在短短一周内将其对欧洲股票的空头头寸增加了一倍。 这是这家总部位于康涅狄格州韦斯特波特的对冲基金在过去两年中做空欧洲股票的最大赌注。 Bridgewater Associates 披露了 28 家公司的空头头寸。 所有这些公司都是欧洲 #Stoxx50 指数的成员,包括 TotalEnergies SE (NYSE:#TTE),Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (OTC:#SIEGY),SAP SE (NYSE:#SAP),Sanofi (NASDAQ:#SNY),Bayer Aktiengesellschaft (OTC:#BAYRY) ]ce Billionaire Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater Associates has gone short on European stocks by placing a $10.5 billion bet against them, according to a report by Bloomberg. The largest hedge fund in the world has doubled its short position on the European stocks within a short period of one week. This is the biggest bet against the European stocks taken by the Westport, Connecticut-based hedge fund in the last two years. Bridgewater Associates has disclosed short positions in 28 companies. All these companies are a member of the Euro Stoxx 50 Index. #checkbyYE2022 Predicted By Ray Dalio.
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