标准普尔 500 指数:已经触底 |
submit US Stock Market Outlook After Low in mid-June 2022
Predicted by Josh Arnold on Jul 01 '22. Last edited Nov 30 '22 |
Prediction #标普500 #反弹 #底部 #voo
pc[我认为我们可能已经见底,并且我们将在未来几个月和明年看到强劲的 #反弹。]ce The truly historical start to this year has caused immeasurable pain on the investors of the world. Trillions of dollars of wealth have been wiped out, and the calls for further declines resonate across this platform and countless others. I, however, think we've probably seen the bottom, and that we'll see a strong rally in the coming months and into next year. The level of bearishness that we saw in May and June lines up with other major market bottoms, and while it's certainly possible some event takes us to a new low, I have placed my bets that we've already bottomed. #CheckAfter6months Predicted By Josh Arnold.
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